Saturday, 15 August 2020

How is the 'Woke' ideology manifesting in society?

Woke ideology (a combination of post-Modern Marxism and Critical Race Theory) is polarising society. It's removing genuine empathy & compassion and replacing it with dogmatic moral superiority, which is an unempathetic, closed-minded, dismissive and often aggressive mindset.

Woke ideology encourages emotional responses like anger, resentment, bitterness, victimhood and condemnation. These leave very little room for empathy and compassion, let alone humility and forgiveness, which are paramount for genuine societal fairness and harmony.

Woke ideology claims fairness, tolerance, inclusivity & kindness but when you see its methods, how it deals with non-conformity, dissent and criticism, it displays none of these. It even excuses acts of violence & intimidation.

Actions speak louder than words.

Woke ideology puts all the emphasis on being ‘socially aware’ but there is a total lack of ‘individual self-awareness’.
This is how you get the intolerant, unfair, unkind & abusive behaviour – the righteousness of the ideology overrides the individual conscience’s duty to say, ‘No. That’s not how I should be behaving’.

Once you’ve decided that you are on the ‘right’ side of history, that you are a righteous person following a righteous cause, then self-reflection is unnecessary; that’s for the un-righteous people. They need educating, in the chilling phrase.

We’ve seen this in many religions over history. Jesus preached peace yet the desire for the whole world to follow & believe in Christianity led to many individuals behaving in ways Jesus would have utterly condemned.

The righteousness of the cause justified the behaviour. The ends justify the means.

Thus ‘woke’ adherents ostracise those they disagree with as heretics. They treat whiteness, and even maleness, as a form of original sin. And, above all, they demand their fellow citizens constantly repent these sins and affirm the true faith. If not, they are excommunicated (mobbed, threatened, cancelled).
Once you decide that you dislike someone’s socio-political opinions so much that you are happy to call for them to lose their livelihood, you have lost any credibility as a reasonable, tolerant or kind person.

Woke ideology is as much a dogmatic neo-religious creed as it is a political movement and needs to be challenged as such.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

The School Exam Result Conundrum

 So, we have anger over the way exam results have been decided and I’m sure some pupils have indeed been adversely affected. Certainly, those who didn’t put in enough work for their mock exams but who would have knuckled-down and got at least one grade higher in the real exam may feel aggrieved.

However, whether you assume that the mock exam grade is the best that child could attain, or you assume that each child would have put extra effort in and got a higher grade, you have the same problem.
An assumption is being made and there is no way of proving that it's correct.

I guess they could take the mock exam results for each school for the last 3 years and see how often a better grade was attained in the real exam (particularly for those who didn’t get a passing grade in the mocks). Then somehow try and apply that.

But let’s say that on average over the last 3 years, 50% of pupils who failed their mock got a passing grade in the real exam. Who decides which pupils get given a pass and which remain a fail? It’s an impossible thing to do fairly. (Very easy to do unfairly of course!).

There are those on social media who claim that the teacher assessed grade should just have been used with no other factors taken into account.

However, it doesn’t take a genius to realise that this would have resulted in a massive inflation of grades.

It would take a very brave teacher to give a poor grade, particularly a FAIL grade, knowing that they would be confronted by hundreds of parents claiming ‘you hate my child’; ‘you’ve ruined my child’s life prospects’ etc etc. You could even envisage threats of violence and 'we know where you live'.

And that’s before the pressure put on teachers by their senior leadership team to be generous because the Head doesn’t want all the aggro from complaining parents and the bad-mouthing and petitions on social media etc.

Finally, even if a teacher IS brave enough to give a true and poor grade, they know that a lot of other teachers around the country will be inflating for the reasons given above. So, by NOT inflating your own pupils, you are knowingly disadvantaging them!

So, what would I do? Well, there’s no perfect answer, that’s for sure.
Within that context, I would take the mock result and, if the teacher assessment was the same or one grade higher, I’d stick with that. I simply would not allow any more than a single grade inflation from the mock result. 

Importantly, you would not announce that this is how you’re doing it until after the teacher assessments had been received, otherwise they would all just put each pupil up one grade from the mock automatically (because why wouldn’t you?).

Not perfect as I said but would be acceptable to the vast majority as it is in a general sense ‘fair & reasonable’, I suggest; some may even say 'generous'! There would be some grade inflation but it would at least be contained.

And when you have a method which seems ‘fair & reasonable’ to the majority, it makes it much easier to stand firm against the minority of complainants as well as showing you in a generally good light.

What do you think?