Wednesday, 28 December 2022

We are not God!


This blog is looking at just one of the many forms of hypocrisy we see in our society. 

We are not God, and neither should we try to be. We are simply not capable of fulfilling that role without corruption. To put ourselves in this position is bad for us AND bad for everyone else.

We all know the saying about the hungry person.

‘Give someone a fish and they aren’t hungry that day. Teach them how to fish and they can stop themselves being hungry for the rest of their life.’

When we give the fish and stop there, what have we done?

For sure the giving of the fish is a good thing; we aren’t letting them starve; so we’ve done ‘good’.
But if we don’t continue on to teach them how to catch the fish for themselves, but rather put them in the position of being reliant on us for ever, we have corrupted that original good deed.
They are now dependent on us. We have their lives in our hands. We have now cast them in the part of slave and us as master. We are their God – and they must be grateful.

That’s unacceptable, morally.

Why should we take to ourselves, and be proud about it, the mantle of being free independent souls who have control over our own lives, but deny that freedom, that independence, and that positive feeling of self-esteem, of purpose, of meaning, to others?

Yet so often, this is what we see.

From politicians who promise permanent and ever increasing handouts. Permanent State largesse for life, as long as you keep us in power. All you have to do is vote for my Party, and nothing else is expected or required of you. In fact the less we hear from you the better. The last thing we want is you feeling genuinely independent.

Or the charities who claim to care about those they help but who don’t care enough to want to be put out of existence by actually succeeding. They don’t want to be so successful that they close down because they’re no longer needed. Too much money, too many jobs, too much moral self-congratulation involved to want the reason for their charity to actually end.
That’s a corruption of the original good because it tempts people to claim that things haven’t got better, when they have; worse, not to try as hard as they might to fully succeed.

And the Church of England. With its constant bowing down to whatever the secular liberal fad is of the day.
Where has that got Christianity in this country?
The church has been constantly ‘modernising’ for over 50 years now and yet, and yet – regular church attendance has dropped by 90% in the last 50 years and the average age of the regular Church of England attendee is over 60.
We don’t have enough clergy to properly cover even those reducing number of churches that still have a meaningful congregation.
And in the latest 10 yearly national survey, for the first time ever, less than 50% put themselves down as Christian.

So the constant modernising has utterly failed by any serious measure. But does that give the leadership pause to wonder if perhaps we need a rethink? Nope, not a bit of it.

The Church of England used to be called the Tory Party at prayer. It’s not been that for decades. It’s now the Liberal Democratic Party at prayer. Woke, wealthy middle-class eco-socialism. A socio-economic political institution masquerading as spiritual Christianity.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, always outspoken against any attitude or political policy that wouldn’t be welcomed by Blair  or Clegg, and yet, when a woman was arrested in this country last week because she was stood across the road from an abortion clinic, causing no actual trouble, just silently praying, we hear nothing from the wealthy former corporate oil executive now posing as a man of God; the head of the church; living in luxury.

And as we’ve always known, the root of this form of corruption is almost always position and/or money, one way or another.

Those at the top in politics, or business, or the law, or media or academia or even the church - their relative wealth & influence means they have no real skin in the game anymore. Their grasp of the daily life of the majority is tenuous at best. Their views are either closed-mindedly set in the unreality of decades ago or based on socio-economic ideological theory, not the practical daily reality of the majority.
They make decisions affecting millions, sometimes without even being elected (Bill Gates; WEF; UN bodies; media barons, judges, quangos etc). Decisions that don't affect THEM in any meaningful way.
There are rarely, if ever, meaningful repercussions for bad decisions by these elites. They are putting themselves in the position of God.

And that needs to be changed somehow. Because it's always the poorest in society that suffer when elites, playing God, make society changing decisions.

I think we need far more plebiscites/referenda to act as a counter to the elected dictatorships we currently have.

Look at the damage to women’s rights being done by the SNP currently. All the polls in Scotland show that the majority don’t agree with biological males being allowed in biologically female toilets, changing rooms, sports, prisons etc but when the elected dictators play God, putting their socio-political ideology first, there is nothing can be done to stop them, apparently.

It all comes down to people abusing their positions and placing themselves in the position of God.
For God is always right; never needs to consider the effects of actions on those who will be negatively affected; never needs to think whether they are throwing the baby out with the bathwater; never considers that slow & gradual change may be better than sudden rushed enforced change; never considers whether a referendum of the people may be the best way to deal with an issue because, of course, the ignorant bigoted peasants might give the wrong answer – again!

NO – much better to connive, back-stab, lie, toady, bribe and corrupt your way up the greasy ladder and then impose your dogmas, lord it over the masses - God-like.

They’ll thank you for it eventually – or be miserable and die. Either way, the self-proclaimed gods win!

Whoop de do! Hooray!

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Unrighteous Self-Righteousness

There's a lot of anger and righteous indignation being seen in both mainstream and social media about a lot of different societal issues. A lot of people speaking of themselves as good and of those who differ as evil.
Here are some thoughts, deliberately couched in quasi-Christian language, but applying to all, religious or otherwise.

When you take upon yourself the judgement of God, you instead become the Devil.

You must not allow yourself to judge that your cause is not merely right, but righteous. 

For in judging yourself righteous you convey upon yourself moral permission to behave in any manner, free of guilt.

How so? 

Because if I am, like God, righteous, then however I decide to behave must be righteous. It can be nothing other.

Righteousness can, by definition, do no evil.

So however bad my actions may look, you are simply unenlightened to the righteousness of them.

Whatever the consequences of my actions, my righteousness makes those actions good. 

No criticism of me is valid, no harm caused by me is undeserved or unnecessary. It is legitimate for me to decide what is the greater good. The end does indeed justify the means and being righteous, I can decide both.

Beware of thinking of yourself as righteous & morally superior, for in your conceit will lie not only your own downfall but that of many others.

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Mask Studies

I’m fortunate to live near some very high-level and well-known bio-medical & scientific research establishments. This means that, either through my work or socially, I know quite a few folk who work in these places, some of them high-up the scale.

Below is a conversation I had with one such researcher a couple of days ago. This is not a verbatim account of course, but it IS an accurate summary.


Me: So, tell me, how are research studies into things like the efficacy of wearing masks actually done?

Researcher: How do you mean?

Me: Well, to what extent do the studies try to model the real world situation with masks?

Researcher: By real world situation, you mean…?

Me: Well, there are a variety of different types of mask being worn by the public; some prevent virus particles coming in or out better than others; many are hard if not impossible to fix in place such that there aren’t any gaps; a lot of folk wear the same mask over and over; many remove their mask to cough & sneeze or to take gulps of fresh air; you have to take your mask off to eat or drink; that sort of thing.

Research: Oh, right, I understand. It would be almost impossible to replicate that accurately, so the studies don’t really take any of that into account. 

Me: That doesn’t sound great.

Researcher: Well, what would be the point?

Me: What would be the point of studying how things actually work in the real world, rather than how we want them to work in a fictional perfect world?

Researcher: I get where you’re going with this but really, there’s no point. Look, we don’t need research into whether masks are effective if you use an inferior grade mask or if you don’t wear it properly or you keep taking it off for various reasons because we already know they aren’t effective in those circumstances. Obviously they aren’t, right? How could they be? So, the research looks to see if the correct grade masks worn properly are effective.

Me: OK - but you don’t need to research that either do you? 

Researcher: Why not?

Me: Because obviously, if everyone wears a recommended grade of mask, and wears them correctly at all times, they WILL be effective.

Researcher: Right, but there needs to be properly researched studies that say this.

Me: Why?

Researcher: So that the decision makers have got bona fide studies that they can point at, to show that masks are effective in slowing the spread of the virus. 

Me: But these studies make assumptions that we know aren’t replicated by people going about their normal lives. So doesn’t that make them a bit pointless?

Researcher: [Smiles wryly and shrugs apologetically] Ours is not to reason why.