There's a lot of anger and righteous indignation being seen in both mainstream and social media about a lot of different societal issues. A lot of people speaking of themselves as good and of those who differ as evil.
Here are some thoughts, deliberately couched in quasi-Christian language, but applying to all, religious or otherwise.
When you take upon yourself the judgement of God, you instead become the Devil.
You must not allow yourself to judge that your cause is not merely right, but righteous.
For in judging yourself righteous you convey upon yourself moral permission to behave in any manner, free of guilt.
How so?
Because if I am, like God, righteous, then however I decide to behave must be righteous. It can be nothing other.
Righteousness can, by definition, do no evil.
So however bad my actions may look, you are simply unenlightened to the righteousness of them.
Whatever the consequences of my actions, my righteousness makes those actions good.
No criticism of me is valid, no harm caused by me is undeserved or unnecessary. It is legitimate for me to decide what is the greater good. The end does indeed justify the means and being righteous, I can decide both.
Beware of thinking of yourself as righteous & morally superior, for in your conceit will lie not only your own downfall but that of many others.