Sunday, 20 August 2023

Message to the rationalist atheist: It's NOT science or spirituality - it's BOTH

I disagree with you, the rationalist atheist, only about one material thing and one consequence of that.
The key material issue is that I think the universe was brought into being by some creating source, whereas you think it just happened coincidentally, out of literally nothing, without a creating source. [The more recent idea that the universe has 'always' been there is just a cop-out, an attempt not to have to explain how it came about].

To many religious or spiritual people, your view on this is just as irrational as you claim theirs to be. How can 'something' come from 'nothing' in anything other than agenda-driven hypothesising?

After the creator issue, you and I agree on everything that science can explain. That you don't seem to accept that there is anything science can't or at least won't in the future be able to explain is, I assume, our only other disagreement.

A view that science will eventually explain literally everything about the human condition, including consciousness and how it is derived, let alone the existence or not of a creating source, sounds like faith to me; that thing you disparage in the religious.

I'm not attracted by semantic arguments about supposed difference between the words faith and belief. The Christian creed starts CREDO, I believe, not I have FAITH.

The two words are often used interchangeably; indeed I do so.

Where you use the word 'belief', to simply mean what you think you know at the moment, I would use 'understanding'. i.e. 'my current understanding is X, but I'm happy to change that with suitable evidence'.

I am in agreement with that, but as a 'creator source' of the universe is impossible to either prove or disprove in your rational scientific terms (not finding something doesn't mean it's not there; not knowing something doesn't mean it's not there to be known), arguing about the existence or otherwise of this is pointless, since we simply think about it in totally different ways, and that won't be reconciled by science, because to me, science is just one way of interpreting the universe, the Earth and Humanity, whereas for you, it seems it's the only way.

Both/And not Either/Or would make the world a much more contented place. 

Hence my recommendation of Michael J Snow’s book, Mindful Philosophy. The closed-minded will struggle with it, of course; the open-minded should find much that is helpful to their well-being.

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