We have reached a point where ‘authority’, in the guise of carefully chosen ’experts’, politicians and media, have been found to be saying untrue things and/or getting things badly wrong so often, and on vitally important matters, that we no longer know who or what to believe.
Or rather, we can justify believing what ‘authority’ tells us when it suits us,
and not believing what ’authority’ tells us when it suits us, because, let’s
face it, we’ll be right half the time whether by luck or judgement.
Which means
we are in a VERY bad place societally.
And it’s
entirely the fault of the stupid games played by politicians, large
corporations, unelected global organisations, academia and the media, who
collectively make up the ‘authority’ I speak of.
ambition and political ideology are put ahead of honesty, truth & decency.
Wisdom is a known but abstract concept; foolishness and hubris the norm.
But not all
the academic experts/media/politicians etc can be like this, surely?
No, but
their worlds are very opaque and cliquey; full of poor behavioural incentives.
In academia,
certainly in science, money rules, so the provider of the finance influences
the research to be undertaken and also, tacitly, what the expected answer is.
You can get blackballed very easily, even if you have tenure; made persona
non-grata, making your life unpleasant, and even moving away and getting a job
in a different University, very difficult; not for anything you do
academically, but for having the wrong political opinions or questioning the prevailing
cultural narrative.
This all incentivises not rocking the boat and capitulation to the bully, not
honesty & integrity.
The media
owners recruit people who think as they do, and it’s made clear what the
editorial line is they are to take.
corporations are, almost literally, a law unto themselves. Vast amounts of
money at stake will have that effect, especially when they and governments are
closely linked culturally and politically.
organisations are run by ‘appointed’ former (and often failed) politicians,
accountable to…who, exactly? It’s jobs for the boys, or rather, jobs for those
with the correct ideological opinions, that can be trusted to say what they’re
told to, in return for huge salaries.
Well, if you wholly trust anyone who volunteers themselves to have power over others,
you really are naïve. Some are well-meaning but the system is tribal, hence divisive
and corrupting, making independence of thought and constant integrity very
difficult to maintain.
None of the
people who make up our elite institutions, either locally or globally, want, or
have the courage, to take responsibility for errors and failures.
Protecting their personal positions, agendas and the institutions in which they
sit, are far more important to them than honest civic duty, professional integrity
or truth.
The ends
justify the means.
And since
they’ve convinced themselves that their view of societal utopia is not just
right but righteous (like a religion), they have no compunction in using
disgraceful methods (e.g. propaganda & unjust laws) to achieve those ends.
Ask yourself
why it’s always those at the bottom of society, never those proposing and making
the massive societal changes, who always come off worse from these panics and
crises that elicit the grandiose, even extreme, plans and schemes to save us
all from supposed catastrophe?
And the
answer to all our problems that we are being gradually driven toward is,
supposedly, global government.
Global government will prevent the next pandemic; prevent climate change; stop wars;
give stable economies; remove famine etc, etc.
No it won’t!
And the level of naivety required to think it will, is akin to a brainwashed cult
Wishful thinking doesn’t make things so.
Of course, to
achieve this cloud cuckoo land utopian vision (which is essentially global
communism), it’s obvious that democracy has to be moved as far away as possible
from the positions of power.
The Brexit vote and Trump election demonstrated that very clearly,apparently
How much do
you think your personal vote matters now, when you are one of several tens of
thousands in your local parliamentary constituency?
How much less would it count if you were just one vote out of billions?
On that scale, how would any individual be able to weigh-up the merits of
candidates and Parties from all around the world?
How would the honesty of and fair play in any global vote be capable of being
determined and verified?
The further from the levers of power the individual voter is, the easier they
are to manipulate and/or simply ignore.
No, if you think nation-state politics is corrupt, you ain’t seen global
So, meaningful
democracy must be removed if our global betters are to be allowed to get on
with making the world the perfect place, without interference from the ignorant
plebs and deplorables.
Why is this obvious
issue (to anyone awake) not a massive societal debate?
Because the people causing the problems and promoting the anti-democratic
solutions are happy for us to be asleep; they are precisely those who control
what is and isn’t discussed on a societal level and who are of course, the last
ones who want these matters publicly discussed!
Look at the difficulties Sadiq Khan is having with his car tax pretending to be
for environmental reasons, when it’s obvious that it’s a combination of a money grab (via tax or fines) and globalist environmental crisis ideology gone mad.
The philosopher Sebastian Morello, speaking of the woes in the Roman Catholic Church at the moment, recently wrote this of the Pope - but it applies equally to what Khan does in London:
"This, of course, is exactly what belongs to the psychology of an abusive man: he oscillates from begging to be loved and listened to [my cause is righteous, honest!], to throwing his fists around. A central reason why abusive people behave in this way is because they have lost authority. They can no longer be believed or trusted, and so they resort to begging, sentimental gestures, and then violence."
The answer, authority thinks, is to bring about a system in which people are told their views
count but in which, in reality, they don’t [look at the, effectively, zero action on illegal immigration for example].
Constant distraction via manufactured
and exaggerated crises, combined with divisive faux moral causes, justifying worsening
people’s standards of living and watering-down personal freedoms is the way it’s being done.
‘We’re your
saviours in this chaotic world, and your wise moral guides; aren’t you lucky we're here? Do what you’re told’.
I would
recommend reading Toby Ord’s book, The Precipice, on existential risk.
We are very near the precipice now, I suggest.
Also, watch
this discussion between Eric Weinstein and Chris Williamson which covers a lot
of the topics (and many more) in this blog. Eric Weinstein - Why Can No One Agree On The Truth Anymore?
(4K) | Modern Wisdom 676 - YouTube
I’ll leave
you with a poem by Charles Bukowski from The Last Night of the Earth Poems
people are worn away with
they hide in common habits.
their concerns are herd
few have the ability to stare
at an old shoe for
ten minutes
or to think of odd things
like who invented the
they become unalive
because they are unable to
undo themselves
roll clear.
listen to their untrue
laughter, then
walk away.
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