Since Marx, there has been no successful dictatorship based upon a political ideology that hasn’t removed the role of the parent as the arbiter and teacher of morality to their children and replaced it with the ideology of the State or Leader.
remember that when you hear people say that parents should not be told of
certain things their children say to, for example, teachers and doctors.
The exclusion of the parents; the telling of children that their parents are
NOT the key authority in their lives is exactly what Stalin, Mao, Hitler,
Pol-Pot, Kim Il-Sung, Castro etc did.
Only in
clear cases of parental abuse should the State authorities override the wishes and views of the parents.
And simply having different socio-political opinions to the currently prevailing
Authority, is NOT abuse.
Good point. Parents are far more important throughout the formative years of children (& beyond) than anything else. The impression is that there are many parents these days who don't realise that & influence their children in a bad way through ignorance & not taking responsibility.